The horse Peter is riding above was renamed Houdini after he learned how to let himself out of his stall, steal grain, then lock himself back in his stall. The woman identified as Susan Morrow above was actually only in one episode of Lawman, not "many" as the caption indicates.
When we showed Peter this scrapbook at the Laughlin show, both he and Bob got a chuckle over the implication that they were in hot competition for Connie Stevens with whom neither ever had a relationship more significant than publicity dates. Both spoke of her kindly however.
Looking at the Camel's ad now, Peter recognized that a cigarette ad shouldn't have featured an actor "in character" when the character was supposed to be only 18. But at the time, R.J. Reynolds (who make Camels) was their main sponsor and it's not like Peter had any say about it anyway. At least the characters didn't smoke on the show itself as all the detectives did on the Warners detective shows.
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